More From S.E.B_Design:

XXVII Idenitity System
This is a logo and business card I designed for my client Ben Ayer who started a custom guitar building & repair company.
Pretty Rotten Branding
It's been an honor of presenting Pretty Rotten's branding, logos, business cards, promotional materials, show posters, multiple album cover and music for my Alternative/DIY/Rock band, Pretty Rotten.
Gilman Farm Show Poster & Chops Photo Library
Here is a show poster designed in Adobe Illustrator for a recent concert at Gilman Farms in Exeter, NH. The concert showcased my band Pretty Rotten as well as Boston based band The Chops. Also in this project are some photos taken at the show during the Chop's set.
Game of Life Cover Design
Worked with local musician Jacob Thompson on Immune to You - Single cover design and "Game of Life" album cover/tee-shirt. I used his hand drawn artwork as a basis for the final which I manipulated with Adobe Illustrator, adding typography and hints of color. It was used for an online campaign to promote the recording of the studio album.
Spirit In Action Book Mark
While working for Sirius Design I created this bookmark for their client Spirit In Action. I designed the layout with some help for my boss at the time and some inspiration from Spirit In Action's existing branding.
AYBSA Logo Rebrand
Had the chance to work on an Arlington Youth Baseball & Softball Association logo rebrand project; which was also printed as field signage. The logo was made in Adobe Illustrator as a vector graphic in order to be printed for high quality use. Included are pictures of the field signage for the new AYBSA logo. It was a great freelance project and I’m happy to see this rebrand make its debut as flawless signage at Buck Field in Arlington.
BNN Studio Productions
During November 2018 - April 2020 I had the pleasure of working at BNN Media's Studio B. While work in the studio I participated in multiple positions including Camera Operator, Graphics Operator, Director, Technical Director, Audio, as well as setting up the audio arrangements, studio lighting grid and staging. The following are links to several local access shows that I was a part of while there.
Cageless Reapers Branding
Worked on some branding for a motorcycle video blog on Youtube called “Cageless Reapers”. The logo was made in Adobe Illustrator as a vector graphic and converted to RGB for digital use.
@Just A Pipe Dream 3/14/20 Poster
Had the chance to design a St. Patrick's Day themed show poster for a local band from Wallingford, CT.
Video Editing
This sections is dedicated to any video editing projects and/or lower third graphics creation. All footage here is not my property but I did create the tags, implement graphics, and manipulate video footage with the use of Adobe Premiere. Enjoy!
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